Facebook Has A New Look, Again.
Facebook has rolled out another new look. The latest change is not on individual users timelines, but on all Facebook “Pages”. Take a look at a screen shot of the new format:

First, the information has shifted on the page, and now there is more space for click-through options on the left hand side. (Tip: If you are an Admin on a Page, you can click “Manage Page” on the bottom of the left column to add, delete or revise these tabs). There are a lot more options now, which is a plus for businesses.
Also, there is a much larger “call-to-action” button . Definitely a good change!
Another huge change you may notice in the screen shot above, is the cover photo. No longer is the profile picture covering the cover photo’s bottom left corner. We like this change. It means more freedom to design an appealing cover photo.
Bottom line, we love that Facebook is ever-evolving, always ahead of the trends, and is always up-to-date on the latest social media needs of their users. Some of Facebook’s changes last. Some are fleeting. Our prediction for this new look is that it’s here to stay. Why? It was rolled out slowly, beginning several months ago, on heavy Facebook users’ accounts (like ours at LSM)! They spent time tweaking some glitches, and it now seems to be rolling out to everyone.
Have you noticed the new look? If so, what do you think about it?